Anything in slow motion is cool. Add music and it's powerful, riveting stuff. Behold the power of the montage.
Even commercials for golf tournaments use montages to make the sport exciting.
Quick aside: You know damn well watching a golf tournament is three mind-numbing hours of green grass and bad pants. (Congratulations to Rickie Fowler by the way: cool guy, bad clothes.)
Can slow motion make truly anything cool? Let's see... Try clicking here to see popcorn popping in slo-mo! It's totally cool and one of the guys gets spattered with oil. What's funny about that? Are you kidding? What's NOT funny about that!
Now why am I showing you popcorn? Because I have this recipe see...
Click on the recipe page in the bar above. You did notice that I put recipes up there for you, right? Who cares about you more than anyone (besides your mom)? That would be me. Feel free to print them out and share with chicks who dig you.
We had some amazing fries with truffle-oil, parmesan, and fresh pepper and I had the idea to make the same thing with popcorn. It's my favorite snack in the world. Every time I make this popcorn at home I get requests for more.
One word about truffle oil: the earthy, funky flavor of a strong mushroom is not used in truffle oil. It's actually olive oil with a synthetic additive (a thioether 2,4-dithiapentane). Sexy, right? Well truffles are expensive. Like Rickie Fowler can afford them but not me type expensive. But whatever...I'm not going to get all purist on you - it's the flavor that matters here.
And keeping your chick happy. Dig that.
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