Wednesday, June 27, 2012

5 Things I Hate About Paula Deen

Sorry, Y'All!  I jest cain't help it...  The woman drives me nuts.  The Southern cooking show queen turned diabetic, Paula Deen was quoted, "I think a few people who have access to a TV camera and ink wanted to hate on me for coming down with something.  But I so don't worry about it."  Well good for you Paula.  Don't give a thought to my 5 Things I Hate About Paula Deen list either.

  1. Stupid Fake Smile  - check this out...
She tips her head left, she tips her head right.  Same over-the-top, look-at-me, I'm Paul Deen cheese.

1. The Lady's Brunch Burger
Burger with donuts!
     2.  Ridiculous Food - She claims to cook Southern-style comfort food.  Paula, plumping up your butt for ease in sitting on hard chairs is not what they mean by comfort food.  Everyone has heard by now of the insane episode where she makes a burger with egg, bacon, and uses glazed donuts instead of buns ... or how about the Deep Fried Cheesecake episode  with 1/4 cup sugar, 24 ounces cream cheese, 1 more cup sugar, white chocolate, semisweet chocolate, powdered sugar, chocolate sauce and whipped cream, oh and eggs.  Shit.

3.  Selling diabetes medications.  Well all the celebrities are doin' it y'all.  That's like a pusher giving kids heroin so he can sell them more later.  Hey Bitch.  Cashing those checks from Novo Nordisk aren't ya?  (Full disclosure - I'm a doctor and I see diabetics everyday and the consequences.  This is a tough disease and these companies are saving lives.  But medication without lifestyle changes are a drain on the healthcare system.)

4.  New diet in People magazine.  After getting fat and happy (literally) pushing stupid insane "Comfort Food" Y'all while hiding her diabetic condition - NOW she figures out that her plate should have a whole lot more vegetables and fish on it.

5.  ANOTHER celebration of the latest celebrity to get clean or lean!  Hooray!  Where are the celebrations for those individuals who stay clean or lean all along?  "Oh, Paula Deen lost 30 pounds by eating healthy!  Wow!  Isn't that great?  Maybe I can do it too!"  Well some of us don't have 30 pounds to lose so you can shower us with admiration.  You know why?  Because we never ate four cups of sugar with a pound of melted butter chaser in one sitting.  Like the prodigal son we are supposed to welcome Paula into the fold of the healthy and celebrate her finding the light (meals) blah blah blah.

Do yourself a favor, click on a fish recipe on my page or any page anywhere on the internet and find something you like about it.

Meanwhile Paula Deen will continue to cash checks from endorsement deals for everything from ham and cream cheese to diabetes medication and smiles her smarmy-fake smile for People magazine.  What a bunch of deep-fried baloney.