Be good to yourself.
This is a sexy refreshing cocktail that I made out of whatever we happened to have on hand. The green stuff is fresh basil. (Or do you say "baah sil"?) No, you don't because that would sound stupid and pretentious. Ahh screw it. If it makes you laugh, do whatever you want. We're all friends here.
The brown stuff is whiskey. If I had bourbon on hand I would have done that, but I didn't.
The floating stuff is ice. Yeah, duh.
What you don't see is the simple syrup. Sugar, water and mixing. How simple is that?
You know what this recipe would be if you had rum? And instead of baah sil you had mint? It would be a mojito. I did not want a mojito. Watch Brian Griffin drink a mojito. And I did not have mint.
Put equal parts sugar and water into a glass and mash that up. (There are better ways to do this involving boiling and cooling, but do you want to cook or do you want to drink? Yeah, I thought so.) Add a half dozen basil leaves and mash that up too.
Strain that into a glass and add whiskey. Good stuff if you have it. Add ice. Swirl and enjoy.
Earlier this evening I was going to make dinner. Mrs. Digs-Me was out for the evening. Eating left-overs is not my thing, but it makes her happy when they get eaten. I found some chicken, feta, couscous thing in the fridge. That would be nice over some sauteed spinach...
It occurred to me to skip adding garlic to the oil. It's just me after all. Hey, screw that. Add flavors! You're worth it. It's the little things! Be good to yourself, my friends.