Friday, February 11, 2011

Grocery Store Hell

Express lane check out

Obey your signs.  I actually had a cashier once tell me to come over to the Express (8 Items or Less Only) Lane once when I had a cart heaped with groceries.  Eight items or less?  No, I had probably 88 items.

But I foolishly moved over to her lane with my 8 items and my additional 80 items, knowing that anyone ending up behind me would be pissed as hell.  Can you see where this is going?

Sure enough, some dork in black socks and high-top shoes with fish-belly-white legs and skin tight high school PE shorts buying smokes and beer, picking at his one good tooth ends up behind me.  He mutters under his breath about it being an Express Lane and who the hell can’t count around here?

Naturally I showed incredible self-restraint towards the dental poster boy and stewed silently.  Then, like the stand-up kind of guy I am, I asked the cashier to add his cheap beer and cigarettes to my bill so he could get on his way.  I was his hero and this guy actually began to seek me out in the store.  It got to be a little much, and I had to move to another city.

Don’t let this happen to you.  Obey your lane

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