Monday, July 18, 2011

A JuJu - ectomy

I have had an unbe-frickin-lievable run of bad luck lately.  Car repair bills, broken bones, tax increases, blah blah blah.  You name it - it's happening.  Life is just kicking my ass right now.  Not that one can expect to have NO bad news, NO bad days, NO surprise bills in the mail.  That wouldn't be life - that would be bad Disney-esque television scripting.  That would be a different kind of hell.

We need to be thankful every day, but it's difficult when life kicks you in the teeth.  I believe the more we complain about the crappy things that happen, the more we invite crappy things to happen.  We cannot get down about this stuff - it's not life or death - mostly life.  Negative thoughts are not going to bring punishment into your life -  rather they invite more negativity.  It feeds upon itself.  A whirling vortex of lousy luck sucking us into the toilet of unhappiness. 

There is a force in the universe: call it God, call it karma, call it The Force.  I refer to it as JuJu.  I believe that the JuJu rewards positive thought and behavior.  Once upon a time my mantra was, "Things just tend to go my way."  It's a good mantra.  It offers up a happy reinforcement to Good JuJu.  A little thank you, if you will.  A little fist-bump to the fates. 

In high school I recall being in a really foul mood one day.  I couldn't even tell you what it was all about.  The only room that truly offered any privacy was of course the bathroom, so I ducked into the loo (funny word - those Brits are hilarious) and closed the door.  Took a long look at myself in the mirror and decided that  punching the reflection of that goofy-looking jerk smirking at me would not help at all.  Two minutes of mocking that angry face and suddenly I was laughing at how stupid I was being.  A bad mood turned into a good laugh.

That was my first lesson in the JuJu-ectomy.  I needed to excise the bad shit and replace it with Good JuJu (sure you can call it an exorcism if you like).

I am going to give my self another JuJu-ectomy.  Here's my plan:
   The last ten people that I encounter today will be the recipients of a genuine THANK-YOU.  There must be something nice about these people that have been drawn into my life.  I have to assume I will not be bumping into Manson, or Hitler or Casey Anthony. 

    Next, given my run of bad luck lately, it is likely that one or more of these people did something to piss me off.  They will be forgiven.

    Finally the person or persons who made me happy or made me laugh will be told how awesome that was for me.

Maybe I will even cook for them.  But that's a blog for another day.

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